Go with A, paragraph one.
Natural selection is "survival of the fittest"
"the price for an item is too high" - not a noun phrase. Actually, this is a clause, as it has a predicate of its own.
"a bottle of water while strolling" - not a noun phrase. "A bottle of water" would be a noun phrase (a phrase that has a noun as a headword), but "while strolling" is an adverbial phrase that describes the verb "buy".
"The same brand of bottled water" - noun phrase. The headword is "brand", and all the other words cling to it and provide additional explanation.
"a pair of athletic shoes" - noun phrase. The headword is "pair".
A. The colonist righteous anger towards the monarchy
Hester recognizes a white man wearing Indian clothing in the crowd. She thought it was odd because not very many natives go into the Puritan town. Who is her husband Roger Chillingworth