This should help you out.
Follow These Steps:
Fill measuring cup until it overflows. Spoon flour or other light, powdery dry ingredient into your measuring cup until it domes up over the top.
Level it off with the back of a knife.
The appropriate answer is
Proportional representation (PR) is a term used to describe a range of electoral systems in which the distribution of seats corresponds closely with the proportion of the total votes cast for each party or individual candidate. PR offers alternatives to first past the post and other majoritarian voting systems based on single-member electoral areas, which tend to produce disproportionate outcomes and to have a bias in favour of larger political groups. PR systems by contrast tend to offer a better chance of representation to smaller parties and groups.
There are many different forms of proportional representation. Some are focused solely on achieving the proportional representation of different political parties (such as list PR) while others permit the voter to choose between individual candidates (such as STV-PR). The degree of proportionality also varies; it is determined by factors such as the precise formula used to allocate seats, the number of seats in each constituency or in the elected body as a whole, and the level of any minimum threshold for election.
Please rate as the brainliest
Theodore Roosevelt
Preceded by William McKinley
Succeeded by William Howard Taft
A. True- officially, the reunification of Korea remains a goal of both the South and the North, but of course both sides imagine that the reunited Korea would have their respective economical system