Answer: Ask your teacher if you don’t understand
Oh well then It'd be conquest or in other words, force
The fundamental principle of a Republic form of government is the separation of different government bodies and the limits of power on the head of State.
In effect, this means that the government and the country are 'public matters' and not the affair of a few unelected head of States.
The basic idea is to give power back to the people and ensure that the country is run by the many and not the few.
The ideals of Republican government are not new and have existed in some form since the ancient Roman Republics.
Today, most countries describe themselves as Republics, though, it is a matter of dispute if they are truly are one.
D. Information, comprehension, voluntariness.
The Belmont report was created issued on 30 September 1978. It was published in the federal register 18th April 1979 by National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioural Research.
It talks about various guidelines and principles for research that involves human subjects. The core principles identified in the report are Justice, beneficence and respect for persons, and the three areas of application are selection of risks and benefit, informed consent and selection of subjects.
<em> It explained the informed consent as an important part of respect for all persons, informed consent means that all the subjects should be given opportunity to decide what shall and shall not happen to them,</em>