Sorry, can you give a little more context. I believe you forgot to add an attachment file or some sort.
“BAC” (blood alcohol content) Test
Police can use a Breathalyzer to test your BAC (blood alcohol content) at the scene of an accident or on the side of the road if they suspect you of driving under the influence to determine the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream, if there is any.
Good luck on your Drivers Ed test, I hope this helps. You got this :-)
All of the words make sense together.
That's an opinion widely held and I wouldn't argue against Richard Pryor being a great comic because he certainly had well written jokes and a lot of energy in his performances.
The most chalenging task I’ve ever done outside of school is chores. Chores aren’t challenging its just challenging to get up and do them. For an example when your playing games and you need to do your chores you will be lasy. What i did to over come this is do my chores than play games. That way mid game my mom won’t barge in my room telling me to do my chores. If that didn’t work i would just get up and do my chores when my mom tells me to do it. If I dont do my chores when my mom tells me than ill get into the game and I wouldn’t want to even do my chores. (You dont need to add this next part its just for extra credit). One challenging thing i did in school is finishing my project that effects 90% of my whole grade in 1 day. It was so frustrating i kept getting distracted it was very hard to focus.I wanted to give up but my mom helped me stay focused. She said that if i get good grades for this she will take me out. I tried my best not to get distracted and it worked i dont know my grade yet but i garent you that i got a good grade.