File size
25 GB
Connection type Download speed Download time
Modem 28,8 kbit/s 2071:15:40
Modem 56,6 kbit/s 1065:13:12
ADSL 256 kbit/s 233:01:00
ADSL 512 kbit/s 116:30:30
ADSL 1 Mbit/s 59:39:08
ADSL 2 Mbit/s 29:49:34
ADSL 8 Mbit/s 07:27:23
ADSL 24 Mbit/s 02:29:07
LAN 10 Mbit/s 05:57:54
LAN 100 Mbit/s 00:35:47
Turbo 3G 7,2 Mbit 08:17:06
4G 80 Mbit/s 00:44:44
Hopefully this helps somewhat
Is there suppose to be a pic?
Go in to ur files and find the file and delete it