B) They employ figurative language.
For purposes other than conveying their literal meaning or the normally intended use of words, speakers and writers often resort to the use of figurative language.
Steve is defensive especially now that Don has pointed out that nobody knows what he has been doing in the basement. The evidence suggests that Steve is going to get angry at Steve for accusing him of causing all of the strange goings on in the neighborhood. To Don, this anger is more evidence that Steve is up to something.
<u>Eye Contact</u> is key. But don't stare
<u>Table Manners : </u>When dining, people consider it not nice for a guest or dining partner to burp , eat with an open mouth.
When you want to refuse something politely say, <u>" No Thank You. "</u>
When accepting say, <u>" Yes Please. " </u>
Always say thank you when someone helps you out ( common knowledge )
<u>When entering/leaving : </u>( stores, etc..) When the staff or anyone say "Welcome" or "Hello" , always say "Hello" back or it will make you look like you are ignoring them. Same goes to when you are leaving :)
<u>Phone Calls : </u>this one is important because when someone calls you and you start talking loudly or put them on speaker in public, it looks r u d e to the people beside you. They don't need to know what your private life is. I've had this happen a couple of times and its very uncomfortable.