Asepsis refers to the absence of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. When handling a syringe the user can handle all parts of the syringe except for the needle. As soon as the needle comes into contact with anything it can immediately come into contact with bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Which can cause an infection in the individual on which the syringe is being used on.
Millions of years ago, the Appalachians were taller than the Himalayas! Millions of years of erosion, however, have taken their toll. ... The crust that is now the Appalachians began folding over 300 million years ago, when the North American and African continental plates collided.
The genotype for pea shape is Round- RR or Rr and for the wrinkled -rr. The genotype is the genetic make up of an organisms, it determines the phenotype (the physical trait). In this case; the round pea shape is dominant to the wrinkled shape;which means the phenotype of round shape will be expressed when we have both homozygous dominant (RR) and heterozygous (Rr), while the wrinkled shape will be expressed by homozygous recessive (rr).
solar system
Earth is one of the nine planets and it is the one known to host human life. Earth is made up of the atmosphere which contains gases needed to sustain life. Water, air, animals, and plants can be found on the earth.
Space is a vacuum that hosts the galaxies and sun which make up the solar system. The Sun emits light which can be reflected on the earth as the planets revolve around the sun.
Living on land means reptiles can't rely on absorbing oxygen through their skin like amphibians. All reptiles have lungs they use for breathing -- even those who live most of their lives near or in water, such as crocodiles, must surface to breathe. Lungs allow reptiles to venture far away from aquatic environments.