I hope I can help! :)
(I do not own the definitions by the way)
Bird's-eye is an elevated view of an object from above, with a perspective as though the observer were a bird, often used in the making of blueprints, floor plans, and maps. It can be an aerial photograph, but also a drawing.
Eye-level is the axis around which a perspective drawing is constructed. When we are outdoors we use the horizon as a point of reference to judge the scale and distance of objects in relation to us. In perspective drawing, the horizon also happens to be the viewer's eye-level.
High-angle shot is a cinematic technique where the camera looks down on the subject from a high angle and the point of focus often gets "swallowed up." High-angle shots can make the subject seem vulnerable or powerless when applied with the correct mood, setting, and effects.
Low-angle is a shot from a camera angle positioned low on the vertical axis, anywhere below the eye line, looking up. Sometimes, it is even directly below the subject's feet. Psychologically, the effect of the low-angle shot is that it makes the subject look strong and powerful.
To answer your question, the answer would be low-angle!
Have a great day/evening/night! :)
Let me know if you have any additional questions!
I believe 1 is A and 2 is C
The kind of structure these lyrics show are: C. Both call-and-response and verse and chorus.
The Verse and chorus are written as one verse and one chorus and sometimes repeated within the song or poem. Whilst, Call and response is a succession of two noticeable phrases mostly written in various parts of the music, wherein the second phrase is heard as a straight up commentary on or in response to the first one.
El arte cinético es una corriente de arte en que las obras tienen movimiento o parecen tenerlo. Es una tendencia de las pinturas y las esculturas contemporáneas creadas para producir una impresión de movimiento. El arte cinético y el arte óptico son corrientes artísticas basadas en la estética del movimiento.
Mehndi art are skin designs and patterns that are very similar to tattoos, yet temporary. The paste is created from a henna plant and is usually an orange color that dries darker. They consist of very intricate patterns and designs with lots of lines and shapes. Lots of them consist of flowers or lace-like patterns. I hope this helps!