Albanian uprisings in 1897, 1908, 1910, 1911 and 1912, the Macedonian uprising from 1903-1912, the rebellion in Yemen for self-rule 1904-1911, the army led revolution by the Young Turks, the annexation of Ottoman Bosnia by Austria 1909, Bulgaria declaring full independence from the Ottomans 1909, war with Italy 1911-1912, wars with Greece 1897, 1912-1913, and 1920-1922, the wars with Montenegro (1912-1913), Serbia (1912-1913), Bulgaria (1912-1913, and a second Balkan War in 1913, the takeover by the al-Saud family 1913 of the Arabian Peninsula, and World War 1.
The U.S wanted to remain neutral, based on what Woodrow Wilson wanted, but after Germany started sinking U.S ships, they got included.
Since the end of the Cold War, the way that the United States has defined its interests in the Middle East has evolved in dramatic ways. These changed perceptions of U.S. national interests contributed to dramatic shifts in strategic priorities.
hope this helps
The correct answer is C. Lyndon B. Johnson.
Lyndon B. Johnson urged the congress to pass the act of civil rights which were part of his vision for Great Society.
Lyndon was the 36th United States president from being a vice president. He was a leader of majority in the senate and representative in the united states.
He designed all legislation on the great society in domestic policy which expanded medicaid , medicare, public broadcasting, rural development, public services, civil rights, war on education, and aid to education.
During his administration many americans who were poor were raised up to poverty line.
Racial discrimination for public facilities were banned because of the bill of civil rights which as signed in to law by Lyndon.