“They scrambled to their places by the rowlocks / and all in line dipped oars in the gray sea” (Homer 6-7).
In-text MLA citations should include the author's last name and page number when available. The citation must be after the quotation, but outside of the quoted text. The citation should be in parenthesis and not include a comma between the author's last name and page number. The comma is extraneous. In order to make it clear that the parenthetical citation belongs to the quoted text and not the sentence following, there needs to be a comma after the citation - not before.
Imply is the best answer I guess
In the story Sasanian the King of India and China, decided to marry a virgin every day and have her executed the next day, to avoid infidelity. The Vizier's daughter Scheherazade was forced to marry the king, because he was not able to find any other virgins. Survival for Scheherazade becomes the main objective in her tale telling to the king. Every night she would tell a story to the king and did not tell the end until the next night, therefore avoid her being executed, then the following night she would end the previous tale and started a new one and left the end untold. That process continued for 1001 nights.
No it’s not, if you read it aloud it doesn’t make sense !!!