Mostly they affected it through their imperialism. They would colonize and take over countries for resources, and with them they would bring their technologies and things that they needed. After they left these things stayed, things like telephone and telegram lines and similar things. Culturally, they would mostly disregard the local culture and impose their own which would often be accepted and kept by the locals, but often there was also warfare.
Because of this alliance, Germany and Italy were called the Axis Powers. EX: During this time, Great Britain and France did little to stop him, choosing instead to follow a policy of appeasement. EX: By signing the Munich Pact in September 1938, he acquired the Sudetenland, a German-speaking region of Czechoslovakia.
Woah haven’t learn this yet I’m so sorry!!
So sorry:( !!!
You have the right to a fair trial and the 6th amendment gives you the right to a defendent.
Before the 6th amendment fair trials wern't really possible because if you were wrongly accusd it was extremly difficult if not impossible to be proved innocent because you weren't allowed a lawyer to fight for you. Nowadays you are allowed a criminal defendent that makes sure you have your rights and you are not wrongly accused.
we need history because we need to know what happened to our family and we need to know what they need wrong and what they did right so we can not do those things if it was something bad and those good things will help us in life