Answer: Art song. a song for solo voice and piano with high artistic aspirations. through-composed. music that exhibits no obvious repetitions or overt musical form from beginning to end.
Hope this helps!
This particular piece of artwork portrays Quintillian's famous quote because you are getting the artists' point of view of nature by looking at this artwork. You've probably never actually seen this particular landscape with your own eyes, but it gives you a perspective of what it could look like. Whereas, if you were to go to this exact same location, you might see things much differently than the original artists, and if you were to paint it yourself, it might look a lot different than the original. It is all based of the human mind and how different people are in personality wise, that they might portray nature/art a certain way.
That is a paint made it by Joseph Mallord William Turner . The title is <em>"The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons" </em>on October 16, 1834. It represent the Burning of Parliament from the south bank of the River Thames, opposite Westminster, that occurs in the same year. It represents nature’s power over man and the terrible consecuens. It compares the strong of the nature with the strong of the man. For example, in the paint the small dots of light from the man-made gas lamps seem weak compared to the uncontrollable flames. The painting also hints at political unrest. The Houses of Parliament were built in the eleventh century and represented governmental stability. The fire occurred during a time of political change, and some regarded the event as a symbol of the need for further reform.