Do Mi Mi Mi Re Mi Fa Mi Mi Re Re Re Do Re Mi Do Re Mi Mi Mi Re Mi Fa La La Sol Sol Fa Re Do
the starting note is d so it would be do and then you just pick it up from there
sorry I'm not sure, my acc was deleted anyway hope you find out!
Eva Hesse!
some facts about her:
-minimalist sculpture
-satire of Greenberg modernism
-Gaus-like bandaged strips wrapped around frame "need repairing"
-wire sticking out at the viewer to contrast Greenbergism "flat and pure"
-female artist; hard for a woman to break into abstract expressionism and she calls it out
-said she wanted her to work to be "non-art, nonconnotative, non-anthropomorphic, non-geometric, non-nothing, everything but of another kind, vision, sort"
<span>-express the strangeness and absurdity she considered the central conditions of modern life
i see as clear as water i think as blue as skies depression creeps in at i dont think im alive