I really love the format of your essay! Good Job!
He engages the audience in the first paragraph by adding short sentences and engages the audience in the second paragraph by getting the reader to participate in the text.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- In the first paragraph, McPhee presents a series of short sentences, which generate a certain degree of anxiety and curiosity in the reader about the text.
- In addition, it presents the main subject of the text, right in the first sentence, which is capable of attracting the reader's attention.
- In the second paragraph, he places the reader as part of the text, making the reader feel that he or she is the writer who has a block that does not allow him or her to write.
With that, we can affirm that McPhee involves the public, creating anxiety in the reader and then involving the reader in the situation that provokes this anxiety.
This question is about the text "Draft No. 4" written by John McPhee.
More information:
Within the political sphere, only one major bill demanding slavery reparations has been proposed, the "Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act," which former Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-MI) proposed unsuccessfully to the United States Congress every year from 1989 until his resignation in 2017.As its name suggests, the bill recommended the creation of a commission to study the "impact of slavery on the social, political and economic life of our nation"
In 2014, prominent American journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates published an article titled "The Case for Reparations", which discussed the continued effects of slavery and Jim Crow laws and made renewed demands for reparations. Coates makes reference to Rep. John Conyers Jr.'s aforementioned H.R.40 Bill, pointing out that Congress's failure to pass this bill
•He was a man of principle and good to his word.
•All internal combustion engines work on the same principles.
•The ambassador refused on principle to agree to the terms of the accord.
There exist certain fundamental principles of human rights.