Contrastive distribution occurs when two sounds placed in the same context produce different meanings. This is the case in the sounds [k] and [x] . For example: <em>[kano] 'do' versus [xano] 'lose'.
The same happens with the sounds [ç] and [c]. They are in constrastive distribution as in shown in the following example: <em>[çino] 'pour' versus [cino] 'move
In complementary distribution, where one sound occurs the other cannot. This is the case in the sounds [k] and [c] The first sound (palatal stop) appears before front vowels whereas the second sound (velar stop) appears elsewhere.
The sounds [ç] and [x] are also in complementary distribution. As in the previous example, the palatal appears before front vowels and the velar appears elsewhere
Just try to make it as imaginable as possible let your readers feel and see what you are writing to them
Because just putting answers