We study history to learn from it. If we study history and decide to learn from the mistakes of the past we can make sure we don't make the same mistakes in the future. History has made almost every mistake possible and we have the choice to listen to it or not. If we listen to history and not twist the facts we are more likely to succeed in the future. We can see what went wrong and apply it to our lives. We make mistakes in our lives and we learn from them. We should do the same with history.
Supposedly we study history so that we don't make the same mistakes as we did in the past. Aside from that, history tells us what happened in the past. So if we wanted to know why we do some of the things today, we can take a look in the past and see how that came to be. And as for people who usually study history like geologists or whatever, they just like to know what happened way back when. To see what was here before us and whatnot. With history, we are also able to check our evolution. For example, we are able to see who made what discoveries and why they were important in history.
Japan invaded "China" in 1937, due mostly to the fact that Japan and China had actually been engaged in conflict for quite some time, and Japan was trying to acquire more resources.
invading someones space and rummaging through their info without a reason is unjust and against the constitution not to mention they can use this power for personal reasons
The Regulators were a group of farmers, that took up arms to protect themselves and their property. The demanded the government to protect them of bandits, establish courts, churches, etc.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act a permitted every area to choose the issue of subjugation based on well known sovereignty. Kansas with subjugation would damage the Missouri Compromise, which had shielded the Union from self-destructing for the last thirty-four years. The long-standing trade off would need to be revoked.