“One of my earrings fell off, it rolled under the stove,” is a RUN ON sentence. You can tell by the comma splice (which separates two different, yet complete, thoughts incorrectly through using only commas). You can also tell because it holds two complete sentences without the proper conjunction or punctuation needed to connect them.
To fix a run on, you must use a conjunction (and, but, for, yet, not, or, so) between the two complete thoughts or place a period between them.
Example: one of my earrings fell off. It rolled under the stove.
Example: One of my earrings fell off and it rolled under the stove.
A. <span>They had strange habits and fears.
Some examples include:
One person is afraid (and certain) she will die on South High Street.
Another person is afraid of dying in his sleep.
His mother is paranoid and afraid of electricity.
One is afraid of being hypnotized.
OK! 54+1
Hey Zach, I am sorry for your loss. You have my deepest condolences. My thoughts are with you at this time of loss. Im sure they were a great pet and we will deeply miss them and love them forever. I am wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time. Losing such an important part of the family is never easy. I’m thinking about you. Don’t hesitate to call me if you’d like to talk.
risky behavior can be seen as different things, theres a difference then risky,brave, and just plain dxmb, risky is in-between brave and dxmb, risky means theres well, a risk to it.
risky things would include dr0nk driving, texting while driving, riding a bike without a helmet, people who do risky things tend to know what will happen if they do it but they don't care, they like the rush of adrenaline they get from it. some risky behavior is just flat out dxmb and others not so much.
hope this helps :)
what do you do, where do you go to school, i go to ucla, so do you like your classes, i like them alot, what does your sister do, she teaches math at the cc, where does he work, he works for a construction comp, what does he do there, wields big pipes.