The correct answer is: True.
- The writing of a person is controlled by an region located in the left part of frontal lobe of the brain which is known as the Broca's area.
- Writing is a motor impulse send by the brain to the hand and fingers.
- However, no two individual can have the same hand-writing.
- This is because hand-writing is not only dependent on the brain to hand motor co-ordination.
- It also depends upon the psychology, mentality, thought process, state of mind, nature of the person and also the influence of the surroundings on the person.
- It also depends on the preference of the person to keep his writing artistic or simple or illegible.
- All these factors can never match between two persons.
- This is the reason, no two persons can share the exactly same hand-writing.
I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B. Rescuing someone who is in danger is an example of chivalry. Chivalry is a term used to describe the qualities expected for a knight where one is the readiness to help who needs help.
The final product of Meiosis is haploid daughter cells in which each cell has 23 chromosomes. What happens in meiosis is that, the cell is divided twice and this produces four daughter cells. During this process that our sex cells are produced. So the answer for this would be option D.