1. A literary device is an unusual twist of plot, character, or way of telling a story that makes it interesting to the reader.
2. The surprise ending is a figure of speech.
3. When quoting words directly from the story, a writer should surround them with quotation marks.
<span>4. The social customs of the time play a part in the story of "The Necklace".
5. "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" is an example of a story in which dialect adds to the humor.
6. A critic is not supposed to give his personal opinion about a book.
<span>7. The frame story is an example of .
<span>8. A critic should always tell his readers the details of the plot.
C , the smell of fruit from the aunts body.
Prefix: in - means 'not'
Root: suffer - from the Latin "sufferre", meaning 'to endure'
Suffix: able - means 'capable of', or 'able to'
I think there's not enough details given in this question. I think you can find the right answer by searching sources that reveals all the powers of south african government. There should be something that will help you.
anything that shows a meaning, a mark used as an abbreviation or shortening of something, or a publicly displayed board.
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