Due to the Atlantic Jet Stream, cold water is carried from the Antarctic all the way down to the Caribbean and it turns into warmer water, then that said water is carried up back north towards the Antarctic, carrying that warm water with it, warming the surrounding air as it moves northward.
The melting of the ice due to global climate change, which also contributes to smaller ice sheets/glaciers, and the increased breaking of these ice sheets.
Explanation: t he European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War.
Only three Caribbean countries have oil and natural gas reserves: Barbados, Cuba, and Trinidad and Tobago. Of these, Trinidad and Tobago is the only significant exporter. *Source: Oil and Gas Journal, December 23, 2002. Trinidad and Tobago is the Caribbean's largest producer of oil and gas.
The answer is D. The rainforest is important to life as a whole on the planet.