Definition of collective farm : a farm especially in a Communist country formed from many small holdings collected into a single unit for joint operation under governmental supervision
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Racism. That people are being treated unfairly and disrespectful because of their colour and race which isn’t fair. The way you could solve it is to be fair and equal to other no matter what their race,gender,sex,religion is
Perhaps the most significant technological advance during World War I was the improvement of the machine gun, a weapon originally developed by an American, Hiram Maxim. They also developed air-cooled machine guns for airplanes and improved those used on the ground, making them lighter and easier to move. The planning and conduct of war in 1914 were crucially influenced by the invention of new weapons and the improvement of existing types since the Franco-German War of 1870–71. The chief developments of the intervening period had been the machine gun and the rapid-fire field artillery gun.
A communist country is a country that follows the ideals of communism. Communism comes in 2 forms: Economic and Political. Communist countries tend to use both.
Political Communism says that everyone shall be equal. Everyone will have an equal amount of power to everyone. And in the case of property, the government takes all of it, and distributes it as equally.
Economic Communism has everyone working for the same wages, so there is no poor, middle class, or rich. There is a set wage for everyone. The garbage man makes the same amount as the doctor, who makes as much as the fast food worker, who makes as much as the psychiatrist.