In Act 4, Scene 2 of the play, a messenger warns Macbeth to leave the place because she, together with her son is in danger of murder. But she protests and argues for she's done nothing wrong. Then a group of murders enters the scene and stabs his son for calling the murderer a liar.
A speaker should practice going through the entire speech at least four times over a course of several days.
Euthenics is the term used to refer to a type of study that seeks to promote the improvement of human beings' living conditions. This study is based on concepts such as education, disease prevention, protection, environmental, home education, psychological control, among others.
Although I believe that Euthenics was very influential in my life, some of its concepts were difficult to apply to the reality in which I live, which prevented me from giving a high score on the scale shown above. However, I cannot deny how much Euthenics has helped me to grow as a person.