pretended she was crazy and got herself committed, all to help improve conditions in a New York City mental institution.
“The insane asylum on Blackwell’s Island is a human rat-trap. It is easy to get in, but once there it is impossible to get out.”
Those words, describing New York City’s most notorious mental institution, were written by journalist Nellie Bly in 1887. It was no mere armchair observation, because Bly got herself committed to Blackwell’s and wrote a shocking exposé called Ten Days In A Madhouse. The series of articles became a best-selling book, launching Bly’s career as a world-famous investigative reporter and also helping bring reform to the asylum.
In the late 1880s, New York newspapers were full of chilling tales about brutality and patient abuse at the city’s various mental institutions. Into the fray came the plucky 23-year Nellie Bly (born Elizabeth Cochrane, she renamed
A topic sentence presents the main gist of the whole paragraph or article. So, if you want to talk about building a snowman, your topic sentence could be about why building snowmans are of relevance. Then, your supporting details could now include steps or advices on how to build it.
A good topic sentence I could think of is:
<em>During the yuletide season, building a snowman is a good activity to do with family and friends because it promotes team-building and fun interaction.</em>
It should be gallant depends on who there asking
A personal story featured on an individual's blog
Option A would be considered credible, since it is tied to a university. Option C is also credible because it is an in-depth study that is promoted on a publicly-funded page. Option D is credible because the Wall Street Journal is recognized as a reliable news source. Since Option C is written by a private individual with no professional connections that may support their claims, they would be least credible.