margarita recibio un premio muy especial
On Christmas Eve families celebrate together and eat the main Christmas meal. It is made of several traditional dishes, but it always includes some Guatemalan tamales. In some regions they are made of corn and other of rice or potatoes. They can be sweet or not, and have several different ingredients inside like olives, prunes, peppers, chicken or pork. Everyone waits until midnight to light hundreds of fireworks or firecrackers to celebrate the birth of Jesus. A family prayer is said around the tree and it is the custom to open the presents shortly after midnight.
Una monografía sirve para tratar un tema en específico de forma metódica y completa; se pretende informar sobre un objeto de estudio determinado. ... El término monografía proviene del griego, estando compuesto por la palabra monos que significa única y la palabra graphein que significa escrita. ^^
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