American teens have a lot on their minds. Substantial shares point to anxiety and depression, bullying, and drug and alcohol use (and abuse) as major problems among people their age, according to a new Pew Research Center survey of youth ages 13 to 17.
There is no key to civilization. The concept that native americans did not have a civilization or were not civilized is one only supported by the egotism and arrogance of the empirical profit oriented "conquerers" who have worked to eradicate all cultures that conflict with profits. The key to western civilization that allowed them to kill off the majority of the natives was a lack of respect for life and insane drive for control, ownership and dominance, to which the peaceful and sophisticated Natives would not stoop.
It happened in untied States in fall it was still segregated and racial acts going on and so we whites attacked the whites and also the NAACP.. or sum like this