Assuming this isn't a multiple choice question, warning signs of someone needing the help of a mental health professional would be:
- Talk of sui/cide. This can include jokes, hints, talking about wanting to die, etc.
- Distancing themselves from loved ones and friends.
- Sleeping too little or too much.
- Giving away possessions.
- Mood swings.
- Talk of feelings of hopelessness, feeling like a burden, etc.
- A history of sui/cidal behavior.
- Losing interest in things they once enjoyed.
I hope this helped!
Ill try but i think your reffering to Goosebumps.
That would be....
Choose your words <u>with great care</u>. (tells how to choose your words; adverbs modify verbs)
Globe Trekker, one of the most <u>successful</u> TV shows of recent years, is a TV series featuring <u>exciting</u> documentaries about travelling around the world. A team of hosts called to <u>travel </u>to exotic places and provide viewers with a taste of life in that part of the world. The hosts interact with locals and take part in their <u>daily</u> lives, visit the sights, find out about the history and culture of the place and taste <u>traditional</u> cuisine. The show is addressed to tourists of all budgets. However, Ian Wright, one of the most popular hosts, says that you don't have to stay in <u>costly</u> hotels to enjoy a trip to a foreign country. Staying with local families is a great way to get <u>additional</u> information about the country you are visiting not to mention much cheaper than staying in a hotel. Globe Trekker has enjoyed <u>popularity</u> for more than fifteen years, and its hosts are likely to continue trekking the globe for many years.
Hope this helps!