C. Thesaurus
Dictionary's are used to find the definitions of words.
Spell check is used to correct incorrect spelling
Wikipedia is used to learn about the meanings and backgrounds of things
Answer: Hello! Thanks for points!
This is a free response question right? I would suggest maybe watching some videos about this guy because my brother had the same question (he's in k12) and the videos should really help. its ok if you didn't read the book. Elie Wiesel is a surviver of the horrible holocaust that took place wiping out millions of Jews. He's said himself in some interviews that he believes staying silent isnt the right thing to do. just watch a few vids about him and you should be about to easily answer this question. Hope I helped:)
elastic force?
well I hope im giving you the correct definition...
something that is elastic can be stretched or compressed.
For example a bungee cord(search up). It resists the change of shape even when stretched and compressed. And because of that it applies a counter force in the opposite direction in which you would call a elastic force.