For what semester? And what grade?
Lean means to actually rest your physical wait against something, yet in this sentence it means to depend on someone. If this doesn't make sense listen to to song lean on me and you will understand.
A would be the best answer since humans throughout history have desired, experienceed, and feared many of the same things. (i.e. love, death, loss, hope, redemption, ect.)
This passage is an example of an editorial
An editorial presents information and contains investigation and facts but it differs from the news story since it is biased and it has the purpose of appeal to the audience, here the writer will expose their point of view, based on the acquired and expressed information and it could have two styles it could be informative or entertaining.
C. He gets bubbles on her shoulder after he uses soap as deodorant.
As a teenager, Jin Wang falls in love with a girl called Amelia Harris. He manages to go out on a date with her, but by mistakenly used soap instead of deodorant, which resulted in him leaving bubbles on her shoulder.