1. B. "Como se dice" means "How do you say...". "Que tiempo hace?" means "What's the weather like?".
2. C. (correct)
3. A. "estudian" means they/you all study. "ensena" means he teaches.
4. A. "comes" means you eat. "comen" means they eat.
2 is correct, just check your other answers.
Hi my name is -> Hola mi nombre es (name)
I am a freshman -> Yo soy un freshman
I like dogs and cats-> Me gustan los perros y gatos.
My favorite I football team is the raiders-> Mi favorito equipo de fútbol americano son los raiders.
My favorite color is blue-> Mi favorito color es azul.
The first choice is the the best one "Si,toco el piano bien,
I know Spanish so I’m pretty sure I can help you. The answer would be “de dónde vienes?”
i believe its "voy a darte el libro esta noche"?