The answer in here is Relationship behavior. The reason is that a high degree of buyer or seller dependence can lead to opportunistic behavior by one party at the expense of the other. As soon as the seller gets the attention and gets the buyers confidence then it enhances a lasting relationship even though it may be losing oportunistic behaviour. Relationship behavior focuses on establishing long term, mutually beneficial rela<span>tionships</span>
Because they probably don't know all the mean and hurtful things people can say or do. OR they haven't seen the things of this field so they don't have to worry and cry because maybe they don't have huge muscles like some guy they saw in a magazine.
Most of the battles won by allied forces.
In Battle of El Alamein, the war happens between the army of Germany and British, British won this war. Operation Torch won by allied forces. In Battle of Tobruk, German forces won this war against British forces. In the Battle of Tunisia, axis forces was defeated by allied forces. Axis forces refers to the joint forces of Italy, Germany and japan while allied forces consist of Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the United States of America.
New Delhi's real solution for checking pollution was to implement odd even registration numbers were allowed to use their vehicles in alternate days. They are also going to add more buses to service everyone by hiring more which will be initiated by the Delhi Transportation Corporation.