Trash cans, benches, and picnic tables: are the park equipment needed.
The guidelines state that the phrase preceding the colon should be able to stand on its own as a sentence. The phrase "Trash cans, benches, and picnic tables" is not an independent clause.
[ kon-si-kwens, -kwuhns ]SHOW IPA
See synonyms for: consequence / consequences on
the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier:
The accident was the consequence of reckless driving.
It’s be B because it neither forceful nor dramatic it’s also not gentle, it could be in a way, but encouraging us your best option.☺️
He help his by giving him painful hits,facts an advise.
<h3><u>Reason why Billie called her son Chris a teenage tolstoyan:</u></h3>
A Tolstoyan is someone who believes in simple life and does not believe in possession of wealth and ownership of a property. They oppose all religious teaching which does not comes from Jesus Christ.
Billie calls Chris as Teenage Tolstoyan since Chris had the same influence from young age and now in his teenage, he is an entrepreneur of his own making his own money. Even before his teen, he would sell vegetable in a wagon from their garden on his own.