Polk wanted California and its magnificent San Francisco Bay as the American gateway to trade with China and other Asian nations. Polk was worried that other nations, such as England or France, might take California if the United States did not act.
"Regulating the Internet" would be an implied power in the Constitution, since it is something that the Founding Fathers couldn't possibly have seen, but is something that is in the best interest of the nation.
F.D.R. has been renowned as having been one of our best Presidents, in part, due to his creation of many federal programs designed to help Americans survive the harshness of the great economic depression of the 1930s.
His slew of economic relief programs, later termed "alphabet soup," had many acronyms, hence the nickname. One if the most important of these, still in use today, is the S.S.A. or the social security administration. Social security is still in use today, and our individual SSNs have become a primary form of identification.
A Tariff
I think it is political and corporate corruption