The regions of Italy, and their respective capital cities, are listed below:
<em>Abruzzo --- L'Aquila
<em>Basilicata --- Potenza
<em>Calabria --- Catanzaro
<em>Campania --- Napoli
<em>Emilia-Romagna --- Bologna
<em>Friuli-Venezia Giulia --- Trieste
<em>Lazio --- Roma
<em>Liguria --- Genoa
<em>Lombardia --- Milano
<em>Marchi --- Ancona
<em>Molise --- Campobasso
<em>Piemonte --- Torino
<em>Puglia --- Bari
<em>Sardegna --- Cagliari
<em>Sicilia --- Palermo
<em>Toscana --- Firenze
<em>Trentino-Alto Adige
<em>Umbria --- Perugia
<em>Valle d'Aosta --- Aosta
<em>Veneto --- Venezia</em>
Italy is a country in southern Europe, whose territory basically consists of the Apennine Peninsula and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. Its capital is Rome.
It is the nation that has most inherited the culture of Ancient Rome and is, therefore, one of the main cultural pillars of Western civilization. She is one of the founders of NATO, the G8 and the European Economic Community, the current European Union.