Hi the answer is C the reader learns the thoughts and motivations of all the characters
She brought the hurricane victims so the listeners would hear their stories from their perspective.
Cheryl Corley was aware that describing the experiences the victims of the hurricane had from a third person perspective would not accurately convey the horrors the victims experienced so she had to include the interviews of the victims themselves so listeners would better the experience from the first person perspective.
When a story is being narrated in the third person narrative, that is another person describing events from a detached view the emotions are not properly captured and the 0erson simply describes it the way he sees it or thinks it happened. It is not an accurate way of describing events.
When narrating an experience in the first person, the person describes it exactly how it happened to them and how they felt when it was happening and how they felt after the event. It is a description based on the descriptor's experience.
<span>If this was the excerpt: The underlined statement contains the alliteration.
The last of all in the wedding procession of the Rag Doll and the Broom Handle were the Sleepyheads. </span><span><u>They were smiling and glad to be marching but their heads were slimpsing down and their smiles were half fading away and their eyes were half shut or a little more than half shut</u></span>.
They marched with big bowls of soup in front of them and big spoons for eating the soup. They whistled and chuzzled and snozzled the soup and the noise they made
Dear Steven,
I am in the fifth form. Our classroom is on the second floor of the school. There are twenty-one desks in the classroom and two pupils sit at each desk.The teacher’s desk is in the front of the pupils’ desks. The blackboard is on the wall to the left of teacher. The chalk and the duster are in a box near the blackboard.There are four very large windows on the side of the room opposite to the door. We open the windows during the break between lessons.There are portraits on the wall over the blackboard. There are pictures and maps hanging on the walls in the classroom.There are lamps hanging above the desks. In winter it gets dark early so we turn on the light.We begin our lessons at 12.05. We have five lessons a day. We have a short 10-minute break between lessons, but we have a long 20-minute break between the second and third lessons. During the long break we go to the dining-room and have lunch. We finish our lessons at ten minutes past five.
Convey my regards to your parents.
Yours sincerely,