el bandalismo en los estadios son los acontecimientos y actividades que se consideran manifestaciones de un peligroso fanatismo deportivo, les debemos tomar atencion porque p puede causar muertes y daños.
el bandalismo en los estadios son los acontecimientos y actividades que se consideran manifestaciones de un peligroso fanatismo deportivo, les debemos tomar atencion porque p puede causar muertes y daños.
. Although he belongs to the Mester de Clerecía, Berco acts as a minstrel. Who is he addressing? What is the reason? With what attitude do you show yourself: friendly or authoritative? Justify your answer
2. In which fragment, Berceo becomes the protagonist of the scene. What does the author say about himself?
1) es
2) estan
1) It defines her.
2) It tells you where they are.
Answer: Why did the military regime as a phenomenon in Latin America lead to the appearance of the social song?
Im not sure if your asking for translation