French take Ft. Oswego
Massacre at Ft. William Henry
William Pitt guides British war effort
Louisbourg and Ft. Duquesne captured the British
1756 1757 1757-1761 1758
Upstate New York
Update New York
Quebec & Western Pennsylvania
Answer: The work of Thomas Paine is an effort to inspire people in the colonies to fight for their rights.
The paper was published in 1775 as an effort to inspire people in the colonies to fight for their rights. It was posted anonymously on January 10, 1776, at the beginning of the American Revolution, and it became an immediate sensation. Comparing the population of the colonies of that time, this prose is part of the best-selling book in the history of the united states. Paine associated independence with the general rising Protestant beliefs as a means of representing a distinctly American political identity. The author, through his actions, encouraged people in their pursuit of independence. The author focused on ordinary people, and his work was imbued with moral principles and democracy.
The correct answer is C.
Both revolutions were triggered due to a bad financial situation that led to the increase in the tax burden that mostly affected the unprivileged social classes. From this point onwards, the two revolutions developed based on the Enlightment principles as the unpriveleged claimed for decision power.
The Enlightenment philosophers, such as Locke, Monstequieu or Rosseau. introduced ideas that challenged, and ended up derrocating, the power structures of the Old Regime. They promoted reason and the scientific method over religious dogmatism and superstititions.
The main principles developed were the following: definition of bills of citizens' rights, social contract (citizens electing political representatives to create goverments through suffrage, in opposition to the prevailing absolute monarchies), and the division of the powers of the state in order to avoid excessive power accumulation in certain sectors, and risks of authoritarism.