President Kennedy’s usage of the phrase, “not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave,” in his Strategy of Peace Speech delivered at American University (which I had the opportunity of attending) appears to be eluding to society’s misconceptions about peace. He appears to be urging citizens to examine current attitudes on peace and discussing the need for redefinition. To further grasp the effect of the phrase on the entirety of the President Kennedy’s Speech, I would recommend examining the political climate at the time, as well as, the full text, to more fully comprehend the content of the speech.
Is it trump/obama/biden??!
Recent evident has shown that grapes and raisins can actually have a <u>negative effect</u> on the health of dogs that eat them
<u>Grapes, which is a fruit of grapevines is eaten by many people as a result of its medicinal purpose or for the processing of wine drinks from it.</u> Althogh it has been established to have benefits towards humans in regards to high blood pressure, diseases of heart and blood vessels, high cholestrol, it is also a known fact from studies that, there are allergic reactions to grapes which include stomach upset, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, cough, dry mouth, sore throat, infections e.t.c
<em>Due to the fact that dogs and humans shares similar body system internal workings, the studies was extended to dogs with the results showing that grapes and raisins also has negative effects on the health of dogs as obtainable in humans. One of the effect on dogs happens to be kidney failure.</em>
The important detail that should be added to this summary is "The author’s father left the family with nothing."
This summary of "The Rights to the Streets of Memphis.” by Richard Wright need to include the detail that triggers all the following events, that the author's father abandons them and left them without any money or security, sets the new kind of life that each one of them will have to deal with to survive without him and his income.