Meaning of all sentences↓
1-Why was the frog striving to improve its figure?
2-What was the frog looking for through its efforts? <br>
3-What happened to the frog after its efforts to be authentic? <br>
4-Do you think the frog found its authenticity? Because?
5-What would you do if someone asked you to prove your authenticity?
6-IF you could change the title of the reading. What would it be?
Mark me as brainliest
In order to successfully complete this exercise, you have to choose the correct option from the alternatives in order to complete each one of the sentences provided. You will have to complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate form of the verbs provided in the subjunctive or indicative mood as required.
Necesito una persona que (puede/<em><u>pueda</u></em>) cantar bien.
Buscamos a alguien que (tiene/<u><em>tenga</em></u>) paciencia.
¿Hay restaurantes aquí que (sirven/<u><em>sirvan</em></u>) comida japonesa?
Tengo una amiga que (<u><em>saca</em></u>/saque) fotografías muy bonitas.
Hay una carnicería que (<u><em>está</em></u>/esté) cerca de aquí.
No vemos ningún apartamento que nos (interesa/<u><em>interese</em></u>).
Conozco a un estudiante que (<u><em>come</em></u>/coma) hamburguesas todos los días.
¿Hay alguien que (dice/<u><em>diga</em></u>) la verdad?
Inequality<span> is the difference in social status, wealth, or opportunity between people or groups. </span>
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