These two characters are not similar whatsoever. Eurymachus is a deceitful person, always scheming, thinking of plans how to enjoy himself and doesn't care about others. He even wanted to kill Odysseus' son Telemachus. He treats everyone with disrespect and is extremely arrogant. These are not adjectives that describe Odysseus, even though he did show arrogance when defeating the Cyclops.
Maybe why should she be afraid because now she has found comfort and peace
Writing a Three-Paragraph Essay
As with most essays, the three-paragraph essay has three parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Yet with this type of essay–unlike its five-paragraph counterpart–each one of these sections has only one paragraph. The three-paragraph essay, therefore, might be ideal for young writers or those who are currently mastering the English language.
Another benefit to the three-paragraph essay could be that it requires you to condense your supporting points into just one, which can be a good exercise. If you had to choose only one point to convince a reader to agree with you, what would it be?
After performing some light prewriting, such as brainstorming or writing an outline, students can move right into composing the essay. While this process is similar across the board for writing academic papers, the three-paragraph essay is unique in that the body will take up less space in the finished product.
An outline for this essay might look like this:
Introduction Paragraph
Background Points
Thesis Statement
Body Paragraph
Topic Sentence
Supporting fact 1
Supporting fact 2
Transition Sentence
Conclusion Paragraph
Re-statement of Thesis
Summary of Main Point
Challenge to the Reader