Aside from the student id, the student advantage discount card can be use by students to have discounts and can save money during college. The Student Advantage discount card offers discounts for retail,travel and entertainment with a membership fee annually.
The purpose of the Missouri Compromise was to keep a balance between the number of slave states and the number of free states in the Union. It allowed Missouri to enter as a slave state at the same time Maine entered as a free state, thus maintaining a balance in numbers of free and slave states.
The correct answers are:
- They are made of denser objects, which can condense at relatively high temperatures;
- They are made of heavier elements, which have a stronger gravitational attraction to the Sun;
All the planets in the Solar system formed from the solar nebula. The conditions though were different for the formation of the planets. The gas giants were not able to form closer to the Sun because of the high temperatures, and those temperatures were not allowing the lighter mater to condensate. On the other hand, those same high temperatures enabled the heavier, denser materials to be able to condensate, thus giving rise to the terrestrial planets.