The diver strapped the aqualung to his back in preparation to dive
wealth is one kind of power you know
wealth is the power to turn goals into reality and has the power to enrich our lives and the lives of others around us. hole this helps :)
If it’s 38299394993/28282828$ it will be 72$
Plot Definition: (Noun) Plan or Scheme
<em><u>Antonyms: ignorance, innocence
Plot Definition: (Noun) Story Line
<em> <u>Antonyms: decline, decrease
</u></em><em><u /></em><u />Plot Definition: (Noun) Tract of Land
<em><u /></em><u /> <em><u>Antonyms: (Noun) whole</u></em>
</u></em><em><u /></em><u />Plot Definition: (Verb) Plan or Scheme
<em><u /></em><u /> <em><u>Antonyms: forget, leave alone</u></em>
<em><u /></em><u />
<em><u /></em><u />Plot Definition: (Verb) Map Out, Draw
<em /> <em> <u>Antonyms: forget, neglect</u></em>