Because of this, if Bernard can bring John back to England, he can discredit the Director. Once the Director gets fired, Bernard will be safe. That is why he is so excited to hear the answers -- the answers make clear that the Director is John's father.
hope that helped <3
Anyanwu is a woman who can shift her physical form into any shape. She is a healer, she is feminine, and she is by nature immortal. Doro is a man whose spirit moves from one body to another, thereby destroying the host's spirit and eventually the body. He is a killer, he is masculine, and he is by nature immortal.
Hope that this helps :)
<em>Mafatu couldn't see Uri but what animal did he see as he swam? a shark. he saw a shark's belly as he swam for shore.</em>
Answer:Each boy is sensitive in their own way
Answer: no because everyone would act the same and nobody would be special. the world would be more sad because we each have something that makes up special and different from eachother, and if that was taken away we would all be the same and we wouldn’t be as intriguing to eachother.