I believe the answer is bee.
Nouns: you, I
Hyperbole: Throw my hand on a blade
Metaphor: I'd catch a grenade for you
Onomatopoeia: ( I suggest if you can, choose another song, onomatopoeia is normally characterized by sounds of things for example if he said Grenades go BOOM that would be onomatopoeia)
Similie: same thing, look for song that use comparative language such as like or as in their metaphors because that's what really makes a simile
introduce the main point of the essay
Montresor decides to seek revenge against Fortuanato because he believes that Fortunato has insulted him. The story says "the thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge." We are not told the specifics of this insult.