First, I highly recommend watching tutorials.
Second, placement is really important. Start with a circle and a vertical line down the middle of it. Then, shape the head.
Third, I've heard the distance between eyes is one eye, but it probably depends on the eye and head size. Try to sketch the eye first, then define it once you're happy about how it looks. Drawing eyes is hard to explain, you'll have to look at a tutorial.
Fourth, female and male legs are different, and it's kinda hard to explain how. Look at the photos I've attached.
Hope this helps! Good luck! :D
(Ask me if you'd like some pictures of before and after art from me, maybe I could inspire you or somethin. Maybe I can do a tutorial for you, too)
Composers change the key to create different tempos. I think so
The theatre form that tried to capture the inner workings of the human mind is a soliloquy.
Soliloquy is the act of talking to oneself; speaking one's thoughts aloud regardless of any hearers. This technique is used as a device in drama or theatre to let the character's thoughts known to the audience without speaking directly to them.
A soliloquy is different from a monologue. The monologue is a speech spoken by a character that's addressed to a hearer, while a soliloquy is not addressed to anyone.
The most famous soliloquy is Hamlet's "To be or not to be" speech written by Shakespeare.
Learn more about soliloquy at
Because he painted the with pitchfork, with dignity and strength
Jazz originated in New Orleans in in the late 19th century and early 20th century that developed from ragtime (combination of jigs and marches), and blues.