It was shown when Grendel's mother came to avenge his death in the hands of Beowulf.
To avenge means to cause a person harm because they did the person something bad. In the poem Beowulf, Grendel was characterized as a monster who threatened the kingdom of Hrothgar, who was King of the Scyldings in Denmark. He terrorized the King and his subjects.
When Beowulf who was from the Kingdom of the Geats heard of this he took pity on the Scyldings. He came to their kingdom and challenged Grendel. He later caused the death of Grendel. Grendel's mother was infuriated at this and came to avenge his death. She did not succeed for Beowulf also defeated her.
the answer is there aren't enough details in paragraph 6 to develop a topic.
Hope This Helps ^^
A simile is a comparison of two unlike things using "like" or "as".
For example:
"John was like an eagle, as he quickly spotted the rabbit, and was able to capture it."
Note that the word <em>like</em> was used, and that it compared <em>John</em> with the <em>eagle</em>
hope this helps
<h3> D. helps us see the scene as autumnal.</h3>
- In the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, the poet opens his poem with the line 'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood'. It helps the readers to understand that the poet stands at a crossroad where two roads diverge to two different paths.
- The poet illustrates the wood as 'yellow' to signify that the leaves of the trees are worn out and almost on the verge of falling down. It helps us to see the scene as autumnal.
I believe it is welcome. Im not completely sure though.