It wearies by the constant strain after effect, its mock-heroics and allusive periphrasis, and excites distrust by its want of moderation.
Are there any choices?
or multiple choice answers
B). Sentence 2
As per the question, sentence 2 most aptly involves the use of imagery. It involves <u>vivid descriptions of the sky by using similes(in 'hung like swath' and in like a 'black velvet') which appeal to the readers' senses and help them in visualizing the exact scenario and eliciting the desired feelings effectively</u>. The <u>adjectives like 'blue and black' function like icing on the cake in order to allow the readers to imagine the exact situation of the sky more realistically</u>. Thus, <u>option B</u> is the correct answer.
I think it’s b because it presents the actions