Fresh water and salt water together cover 3/4 of the earth's surface.
If a spacecraft is in space for a long time, radiation is a problem. Designers must figure out a way to protect astronauts from the radiation.
ANSWER: commodity money
EXPLANATION: The commodity money is the hardest to travel with as it does not have any fixed value and has only the value of the commodity for which it is made. The commodity money exchanges commodities such as gold, silver, copper, salt, peppercorns, tea, large stones, decorated belts, shells, alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, silk, candy, nails, cocoa beans, cowries and barley.
Step 1
Rocks that forms metamorphic rocks are not pushed to the earth surface. On the surface, the pressure and temperature conditions are not high enough to cause any metamorphic transformation in a rock.
Rocks must subside into deeper levels of the crust where mineral changes occur and hence new rocks called metamorphic rocks.