she is light hearted and joking about her forth comings. not 100% sure its correct, but I'm pretty sure :)
“A failure is a project that doesn’t work, an initiative that teaches you something at the same time the outcome doesn’t move you directly closer to your goal.
A mistake is either a failure repeated, doing something for the second time when you should have known better, or a misguided attempt (because of carelessness, selfishness or hubris) that hindsight reminds you is worth avoiding.
Seth Godin on 18/12/11
One way you could be a better student, or human-being in general is to wear your mask at all times, aside from eating, of course. The other way, which you should be doing both, is to social distance as much as possible. If you do, however come in contact with people or objects, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
Yes we do have to create social awareness to fight against corruption because social awareness makes others aware of whats going on in the world e.g (social issues, corruption).
Family (correct me if im wrong)