Non Linear
This appears to be a quadratic equation, not a linear.
Linear equations can be represented by the following:
This equation can't be represented as ANY of these. It is, however, able to be converted to the standard form of quadratic equations.
Education is an important topic in Mark Mathabane’s autobiography because when he was growing up in South Africa, the apartheid system made it very difficult for a black child to get anything close to an adequate education. The experiences Mathabane relates, however, extend far beyond attending school.
The role of African traditional culture, which Mark (previously Johannes) learned from his mother, also played a significant role. His mother could not read but had learned and transmitted the cultural information orally. From his mother, he also learned optimism about his own place in the world and the possibilities for black Africans in their country, which helped counter the negativity his father held and expressed.
Supplied the new theory of the universe that combined the work of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo.
Newton´s Principia, was the book of Issac Newton that settled down the principles of mechanics, over there the author explain his three laws of movement that are similar in Earth, but also in the universe.
In this book was the beginning of the gravitational force, that latter Einstein will support.
The sun. But at the center of our galaxy (Milky Way) is a supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A- star