The seven is not right must be
15:(1+2)=5 first the pharentesis 15:3=5
They way that you put the answer of the seven is not correct, the pharentesis is not needed in the case like you use it because anyway (without pharentesis in other places) the division go first that the sum
and the eight is correct
sorry, I put the asnwer in the wrong place.
You can put:
1- (any shop to buy clothes that you like) and say why you like this shop
2- what kind of clothes do you like and why, for example, me gusta la ropa que me queda grande porque me siento más cómoda con ella. 3- put what are your favourite colours, for example, mis colores favoritos son el azul y el negro.
4- you can put, no, no es importante porque no hace falta tener mucha cantidad de ropa y gastarse tanto dinero.
5- they ask if your family spend so much money in clothes and if they search a discount so you can put, mi familia no gasta mucho en ropa pero cuando compramos, buscamos rebajas para que sea más barato
6- you can put: no, ellos no regatean y sí tienen y usan tarjeta de crédito
The correct answer is "dijimos", in the past, "decimos" in the present, "diremos" in the future.
1)terminare 2)cantara 3)vivirán 4) comprara 5) sabré 6)comprare 7) comeremos 8)reciclaremos 9)usará 10)desaparecerá 11)dañemos 12)apagan 13)fábrican 14)queman 15)recicla